Can anyone tell me how I can change the Posting Description that automatically fills in when entering a Purchase Invoice? Right now the auto fill is giving me the system generated invoice number, but I'd rather have the Vendor Name and Vendor Invoice number populated into the field, so that later when we are looking at the g/l account detail the description makes more sense to the average user.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
Tools->Object designer->Tables->#36 (Sales Header) & #38 (Purchase Header)->Click Design->This will reveil the fields. Field #22 (Posting description)->View->Properties.
If your new please Download->Print & Read the Application Designers Guide & Be careful if you don't know what you're doing. ... laylang=en
Savatage -
Thank you. I am in the process of downloading and reading the guide. I do not plan on doing many development / designer things in the future so I am wondering if you could walk me thru this particular process? I'd like to change the autofill from what it currently is to the vendor name & invoice number.
Thanks again.
all they have to do is have that field showing & click on it to get the info you say you are looking for.
I don't think changing the Initvalue to a specific field will work (just guessing Not Tried)
I would have thought of adding code to the header table on validate of the Bii-To customer # or something along those lines.
The problem is that when we look at the General Ledger Entries there is no "Source No", just that posting description, which isn't very helpful.
Go to the Ledger Entries Right Click on the Header Column -> Show Column -> Check off Source No.
I have already tried that. It isn't there as an option.
It should be easily addable if it's not.
Anyway, By adding the Posting Description to the sales or puchase header - you will be able to manually change it's contents to anything you want.
Above I gave steps to get to the init value as stated above by someone. But i really think this will have to be coded and unless you have a proper license you will not be able to do so, so the manual way is at least one "already" working option.
PS : check out this similar post on how they solved the problem
I don't understand what you are discussing about... I thought only field "Posting Description" in Table "Sales Header" and "Purchase Header" should be filled in another way like standard. As a german user I look at the code in Function "InitRecord" in the Table "Sales Header" or "Purchase Header" and see that there the Field "Posting Description" (that's what is given as description in G/L Entries) is filled like
I'm not sure it's equal in your version but I think this should be. I'm not talking about changing properties of the field...
If you find the code (Object Designer / Table / 36-Sales Header or 38-Purchase Header / Click "Design" / -> Table opens and you see the field list / Click "View" in MenuBar and select "C/AL Code" / Search for Function "InitRecord") you may deactivate (Put "//" at the beginning of the line) the standard code line and add new code line:
That's all I think what is to do.