Hi Expert,
I am exporting orders from sales eader (36) and sales line(37) to csv.
I have managed to filter the sales headers to just the order no.s,status is open, i need but i keep getting the entire sales line table!
How do i filter sales line
best regards,
Make Simple & Easy
You'll have to rethink the dataport to something like
if salesheader.status = salesheader.staTUS ::OPEN:
then do a sales line get for maybe better, find. (haven't tried)
then assign the fields from the sales line to variables that you can then export.
another thought would be using the write command to send data to a file.
or a report, which you can link the tables, to export to excel using the excel buffer & then save that file to csv.
Thank 4 ur reply. i found one ans at our forum http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=5382&hilit=dataport+filter
, like as my problem. So i try like that, but my one does not work.
What wrong at my code.
Below code is work