MRP - Regenerative Plan errors

thakerthaker Member Posts: 10
Hello All,

We have MRP running in our production database.

We are facing this weird error when running into Planning error log.

The MRP puts a log for an item into "Planning error log" table for Transfer route error saying that "XXXX Transfer route does not exist", which is legitimate error.

But after that the MRP run fails for all subsequent items saying that "Unidentified error occurred, run the plan with stop and show error".

When I exclude the item with problematic transfer route, all the items plan successfully. That means that transfer route error affects all other subsequent items after it fails for particular item no.

Can someone tell me whether it is code issue from one of the MRP planning codeunit or is there a bug in the system or can it be a data issue?

Any help from anybody is appreciated.



  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    Have you tried to mark the "stop and show error" under option tab? Then you probably get a more informative error message.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    thaker wrote:
    Hello All,

    The MRP puts a log for an item into "Planning error log" table for Transfer route error saying that "XXXX Transfer route does not exist", which is legitimate error. Thanks,

    Check the SKU cards for the Items on some card u might have mentioned replenishment system as Transfer but no Transfer route would have been defined.
    Kapil Khanna
  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    Double Post :|
    Kapil Khanna
  • thakerthaker Member Posts: 10
    hello guys, thanks for the replies.

    Noname: In my errors I know that if I check stop and show first error, the system will stop running and show the legitimate error (In this case transfer route missing). Thanks

    Kapil: I know that transfer route is missing

    but as per my understanding when we run MRP without checking "Stop and Show first error" and if an error like this occurs MRP should write the error in Planning error log table and should continue running for subsequent items where there are no errors.

    In my case MRP errors out entirely when the error for transfer route occurs and it fails for all the subsequent items. but after seeing error log I am excluding the item with transfer route error and try to run MRP for all other items, it plans perfectly but per my understanding MRP should write the error log for the legit error which is transfer route error and should continue planning smoothly for subsequent items which don't have errors.

    I hope this explanation sheds some more light on my particular situationj.

  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    Ok now I understand MRP should contine running and insert the error in the planninglogg. What version are you on? Might be an error in the version you're running. Try same scenarion on the latest version 2009 or 5.0SP1 and see if it works there.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
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