Hi all,
I'm having a problem with a customized menusuit.
I designed the menusuit at company level with my partner license . I added customized objects and other object like form5200. When open my database with customer license i can see form 5200 in the menusuit but none of my customized objects. i created my customized objects within the range assigned by microsoft for the customer's license.
what else am i missing?
Any idea is welcome. Thanks
Check the license to make sure the objects are assigned on the license
Check the user permissions to the objects.
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
You will also need to check the tables that these objects are using.
Sometimes there can be a problem with the license -we have done a free license checker which shows which objects are licensed and which are free - you can download it from here
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
I'm unable to download the file from the link :gives me error: HTTP/1.1403 Forbidden.
Anyway my customer license has 20 purchased tables and 0 assigned tables so i think i can use the range (50000 -50019) for my tables since none is assigned. but i can still not see the forms based on this tables in the menusuit. Am I missing a step in the normal procedure?
This is your problem - even though you have bought the table, if they are not assigned then you cannot use them. Apply to MS for the tables to be assigned.
The link should work - here's another way
http://dynamicsuser.net/groups/dynamics ... 38250.aspx
note - you will need to setup a user account.
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
Your 1,000th post, congratulations.
i've done that. waiting for their reply.
But i have done this test:
Purchased forms 110, assigned 10(50000-50009);
so i created a form within this range with source table 5200 but it did not appear in the menusuit. I thought it should
Another detail: When i design the menusuit with customer's license i see all my customised objects but after save and close designer i see none. What do you think of this .Thanks for your time.
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
Is the Employee table on you customer's license - run the table with the license loaded to find out.
The way menusuites work is that you can add the object required but at run time only the objects that are either licensed or the user has permission to see will show.
Dynamics Nav Add-ons
I ran the table with customer license and its ok so i wonder why my form won't show in menusuit ](*,) I gave the user all permission so i suppose the license has a problem