Question regarding PACKING LOCATIONS in Lanham E-Ship module

BZBrianBZBrian Member Posts: 4
I have a database with multiple "company" files. In one of the company files, we have always had it set up where we would "drop ship" from this company, then do manual product transfers to and from the other companies as appropriate. That isn't really important but I wanted to explain what we WERE doing first.

We now just want this "company" to act as it's own SHIPPING location, just like the others. When I scan packages, the scale is read, weight is added to the order, the order is rateshopped, but it never prints a UPS label to the printer we have set up, and I think I know why, but cannot fix it for some reason. Here are the remaining details that I think are relevant:

1) If I go into the Administration -> Application Setup -> E-Ship (shipping) -> Packing Station card, on the Address tab, there is no LOCATION CODE.
If I try to add one, I get "Location Packing must not be No in Shipping Setup Primary Key=
2) If I go into the Administration -> Application Setup -> E-Ship (shipping) -> Shipping Setup card and try to check Location Packing so it's not "No" I get a "Packages cannot exist" message

Maybe more is wrong, but this seems to me like I'm headed at least in the right direction. So, what else is wrong. I have compared screen for screen, box for box, setting for setting... what am I missing?



  • klavinklavin Member Posts: 117
    For "Location Packing" to be set on, E-Ship requires no packages in the system...

    Reason for this is; thereafter every package and Package Line get's the "Location Code" filled out on them.

    The main reason for this field is so the packing station that goes to ship an order only gets the lines from the document that are associated to the location set for it in the Packing Station.

    So if you had a sales order with 2 different Locations on the lines you could ship from both points on one order... Then those locations would be using their own Packing Stations with corresponding Location Codes.

    UPS Labels not printing could deal with the Packing Station assigned for that user... Make sure the Buffer File is being filled with the correct information. Location Packing doesn't have anything to do with the label printing piece.
    "Profanity is the one language all programmers know best."
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