timezone error

vasilis6669vasilis6669 Member Posts: 109
edited 2009-12-26 in NAV Three Tier

I get the following error when starting role tailored client.
"The timezone settings on your client match do not match the timezone settings on the server. This might cause incosistent data."(Something like this) do you want to continue? If pressing yes the role tailored client starts. If not it exists.

I setup on other machines and the other pcs work file and login properly to the server.
The server timezone is gmt+2 and other clients is GMT+2.
The pc with the problem has GMT+2 but receive timezone error. If i change to GMT+1 or GMT+3 the error is not shown.

Is it possible to be the BIOS time?



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I think the problem is daylight saving...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • vasilis6669vasilis6669 Member Posts: 109

    Daylight savingchek box is set both in server and client pcs

  • Ian_Piddington10199Ian_Piddington10199 Member Posts: 167
    I had this with NAV2009. We had a slight difference in the regional settings between the server and the client machines that cuased issue.

    It was fixed in SP1.

    Which version are you running?


  • vasilis6669vasilis6669 Member Posts: 109

    I am using 2009 SP1 (W1 6.00)

    Is there any codeunit that handles the timezone?

  • sdconantsdconant Member Posts: 3
    I had this error a couple weeks ago. It was on a new install of Windows XP SP3. Once it was patched up with all hotfixes, it worked fine. Run Windows Update to see it any of the patches fix it.
  • vasilis6669vasilis6669 Member Posts: 109
    Yes in did applying all microsoft patches solved the problem.

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