week starting on Saturday

sriram_venkatsriram_venkat Member Posts: 129

I work for a client in UAE and their week starts on Saturday. So in the analysis by dimension reports, if i choose the frequency as Week (7), the date that appears as start date should be a saturday. Now its default Monday.

Is there anyway i can change it to make it appear on Saturday...



  • lvanvugtlvanvugt Member Posts: 774
    Looking at the virtual table Date you will see that in there weekly periods start on Monday (i.e. Period No. = 1 for Mondays). As far as I know all standard calander functionality in NAV is based on that. So unless you would write a customization for it it will always be like that.

    Maybe somebody already tackled this problem?

    PS: easy way to have a look at the virtual table Date is to create a new (tabular) form based on this table.
    Luc van Vugt, fluxxus.nl
    Never stop learning
    Van Vugt's dynamiXs
    Dutch Dynamics Community
  • fverkelfverkel Member Posts: 66
    A quote from David Singleton http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=30432 :
    Some countries have 53 weeks in a year (with one short week), others have 52 (with one long week). Some start counting at the 1st of Jan, some at the first day of the week, and some consider Sunday as the first day and others start at Monday.

    So really any solution has to be country specific.

    Unfortunately Navision is "hard coded" to the Danish standard. Personally I avoid the WEEK to DATE functions because of this issue.

    So ... maybe you can ask them to move to Denmark :lol: ?
    Keep It Simple and Stupid (KISS), but never oversimplify.
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