Nav 3.10..
Report 10062 Top ___ Customer List limits me to a maximum of 99 customers. Is it possible for me to make this do more?
I only have so many Christmas cards, so I'm going to mail Christmas Cards to our top 300 customers, and this report is nice and small sized. I can print it out with minimal paper usage. This way I can go into my Excel address list and easily section off only those customers.
I found "MaxIteration" in Print Loop, and also see "If CustomersToRank > 99 THEN" prints error message.
If you leave those two as 99, then it'll give you an error message when you try to do more than 99.
If you change those to 150 for example, it will allow you to run the report, but once it gets past 99 top customers it pops up an error message:
"The indexing 101 in the array is outside of the permitted range."
I don't have this report since it is a localization object.
This means you have a variable that is declared as an array through it's properties.
Debug your report to locate that variable and change its size I guess...
If I turn on Debugging and run the report it stops and hilights the line:
So that should be my variable? Am trying to find where I locate that to view it's properties. I see it under C/AL Symbol Menu, but clicking on it shows nothing. I also see it in C/AL Global Code 20.
If you click on it and go to View -> Properties (or Shift - F4) you will see a Dimensions Property.
That means that TopNo is an array of code 20 fields with an array size of [Dimensions Property]
Show only the fields you need such as
Sales ($) ** Edit forgot this field DUH!
Then CTRL-F7 (Table Filter) add date filter 010109..123109
Also add Sales ($) > 0 (or some predetermined minimum for the year)
Blocked = NO
Once the results show you can copy the data & paste it in excel.
Sort By The Sales ($) column.
Delete all others after the # of records your looking for.
Then you can do multiple things such as mail merge in word to create labels or letters, etc.
Looks like a lot of steps but it's quick and easy way of getting the names & address of your customers out of nav and bypassing the 99 limit. Plus it's already in a useable/savable form Xls, CSV, XML, txt, etc.
Just to answer this question, yes you can extend the report to rank more than 99. It involves increasing the array of the variables within the report and allowing more than 99 on the MaxValue on the control on the options page.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
But using that report (Top__Customers) to get out the desired info he was looking for will still require more manual effort after the report is created. Therefore, not the best solution, anyway, for this problem.