Hi all,
I have incorporated a functionality in NAV 2009 SP1 classic version, now i want to move this functionality into NAV 2009 SP1 RTC version.what are all the steps which i need to follow to do this conversion.IS there any PDF available in mibuso or is there any material given my microsoft.
If anybody knows, please send me the link from where i can download the documentation.
if this material is available in Microsoft Partner source, please tell me the name of the PDF which i need to download in order to do this conversionb.
Thanks in advance.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
here is one link
http://blogs.msdn.com/nav/archive/2008/ ... ation.aspx
I cannot find the file named DevTool.fob in Transformation Tool\ TIF Editor folder.i can only find the file TIF.fob.
can u tell from where i can get the DevTool.fob.
Thanks in advance.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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