I have a problem concerning the function Calcdate and multilingual dateformula variables.
There is a editable textbox on the request form of a report.
- SourceExpr: PeriodLength
- Data type of the variable PeriodLength: DateFormula
- String entered in textbox on report start: 2Y if im running it in english, 2J if im running it in german
Later i use the PeriodLength variable in a CALCDATE function like this:
CALCDATE('<+1D->' + FORMAT(PeriodLength),WORKDATE);
If i'm running the report with application lanquage english, there is no problem. If i'm running it in any other language a runtime error occurs reporting, that the date expression i entered '2J' was not valid. Omitting the string '<+1D->' solves the problem even in german, but then the result of the CALCDATE function ain't the same anymore...
I tried a lot allready like using PeriodLength without Format(), with <> around it. Nothing worked.
Is there maybe a trick i don't know? i'd be very grateful if someone could help me out with taht problem.
Thanks in advance!
Main issue seemed to be
my problem concerns the usability of the hard-coded string '<+1D->' and the dateformula variable PeriodLength in the same CALCDATE function...
might storing the string '<+1D->' in another dateformula variable be a possibility?
Also, if you are trying summarize posts until the end of the year or two years with a 2Y+1D trick, that's not really a good way to do it, you should rather be using CLOSINGDATE((CALCDATE...)) (look it up in the C/SIDE help). CLOSINGDATE(today) is that "magic" date that's later than today but earlier than tomorrow.
Thaks, that was the solution.
A "language-neutral" DateFormula variable a string in any language different from english in the same calcdate expression was the problem. with two multilanguage strings it works.