I have a long list of customers that have been invoiced or "credit memoed" by mistake, so my taks is to sure that the balance of the customers on the list will be 0.
It seems like all Invoices has only ressourcelines.
I have made an dataport, that reads in the customerlist form CSV. Fore each customer I make a loop in cust. Ledger Entries with a filter on open and my idea is to make the opposite line in af gen. journal.
My problem is to find out the balanceaccount. I cant seem to find wich prod. posting group (or ressource, then I will have it) there has been used.
My escape solution is to loop the ressource Ledger Entry table with a filter on the Invoice No. and then make as many lines in gen. journal lines as I find Ressource ledger entries.
But then what if in one invoice there will be an G/L line.
I think the solution should be simpel and hope that is only my head that is not running fast to day

I can offcource use invoice Lines to find it, but what if a invoice has been created using the gen journal
So you could have more then one balance account
The CLE should have the balance field filled in if it was on the orginal invoice or credit note.