This is a hot subject for a lot of companies using Navision. When was a report last executed, by whom and how many times.
The classic solution for this is to add code to every report to store this information in a table.
But it can be solved more generic...
The solution is in Codeunit 1. Here is a trigger FindPrinter that is executed prior to each report being printed. So what about implementing the solution here.
In order for this to work, we have to implement a trick, because when this code is executed, Navision is not yet in transaction state.
The trick is to save the report usage in a Temporary table first inside a SingleInstance codeunit.
Read more... ... usage.aspx
I have added a Navision Timer object to "Report Usage Mgt." Codeunit to save report usage periodically instead waiting till user Logoff Navision.
To active the timer ReportUsageMgt.RUN must be included to LogInStart() function in Codeunit 1
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