Treatment of the value of a field of the excel

oficietxeoficietxe Member Posts: 2
edited 2009-12-01 in Dynamics AX
Hi, I wait that as the previous times, you help me with my problem.

I tell you: I'm importing an excel, without passing it to csv. The values, I
gather them in a skip, but there is in concretly a field (row, column) that
makes me crazy. ](*,)
This field has for example the value, "9,49" and has format of cell, general.

In my code, I've it of such a form:
Saleslineamount PrecioBruto;
PrecioBruto = conpeek (line, 10);
Select forupdate salesline where (salesline. SalesId == salesid &&
salesline. LineAmount == preciobruto);

So, the value of Precio Bruto, it is not "9,49" as it's that of the Excel.
Precio Bruto has teh value "9".
Already I've tried to do it as PrecioBruto = str2num (conpeek (line, 10))
..., etc, possible ways and I don't obtain it.

It's important to gather well the value, because then this value I use it
for a select.
I hope that they could help me! Thank you!
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