article.Location_Code = botiga 'botiga is the catalan name for Shop article.Item_No = dtarti.Rows(0)(0) 'The Item number has been tested before article.Variant_Code = dtarti.Rows(0)(1) 'The variant code has been tested before article.Qty_Phys_Inventory = Decimal.Parse(camps(1).Substring(camps(1).LastIndexOf(":") + 1)) 'In the case I'm trying is 1. article.Qty_Phys_InventorySpecified = True article.Phys_Inventory = True 'There is the field required by the message article.Phys_InventorySpecified = True ' article.Document_No = cbDoc.Text 'The number of the document already exists. article.Qty_Calculated = 0 'I'm noy sure if it is mandatory article.Qty_CalculatedSpecified = True ServeiInventari.Create("INVENTARI", article)