Hello everyone! I was recently informed by my client's MS Partner that Microsoft changed their license generation system to operate online, and this is causing issues with generating licenses to run 2009. Is there a partner here who has dealt with this and heard a resolution from Microsoft? My client is on a short implementation deadline so getting their functional license in a timely manner is quite important to us. I am trying to get as much information as possible on this issue to handle expectations for my client. Thanks for your input, it is appreciated!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
2140 Dynamics NAV 2009
But not 9100 NAV Service Tier.
Are there any other lines I can be on the lookout for? The latest one we received is still returning the 'not a valid license file' error when trying to load it into 2009.
Not regarding the 9100 Service Tier information, still have to hear back from the partner on that. We just got the license working in the demo database, so I guess we are on the same wait as matttrax for the 9100 permissions.
We have been waiting more than 3 weeks for a new license that is needed for an upgrade. MS keeps sending our partner emails that say something like: thanks waiting, keep waiting until we get our licensing software fixed.