I have a general understanding of the consolidation process, but what I need to understand is the consolidation process from a different database. More specifically, do I need to set up a company in the database where my Consolidate company is that mirrors my subsidiary. For example, if I have company ABC and ABC Consolidated in the one database and company DEF in a separate database and I want to consolidate DEF into ABC Consolidated, do I need to set up a DEF in the database where ABC Consolidated resides? I have succesfully created my export file but I get this error when I attempt to import it:
The ONLY field I don't have filled out on my business unit card in the consolidation company is Company Name, which you can only pull from the list of companies in the same database.... So, do I have to have a DEF company in the database where the consolidation company resides as well as where it resides normally?
I hope this makes sense.....
The concolidation process will take the required infromation from from DB A and import it into DB B using the setup you have specified on the Business unit card
Hoping you realize the difference from import from file and import from DB