I don't understand what the "Grace period" field is used for in Finance charge terms. I thought that it's used to set the number of days that may pass after an invoice due date before a finance charge is sugested. This does not seam to be the case though.
When i run report 192 Suggest Fin. Charge Memo Lines I get sugested lines for payments that is only one day over due, even though the grace period i the customers finance charge terms is set to 5D.
Does any one out there know how this works? Where can i find documentation of this functionality?
The filed "Grace period" i table "Finance charge terms" is not even directly referenced in either report 192 nor in code unit 394 FinChrgMemo-Make. Can anyone tell med where it is referenced?
IE take the same due date of yesterday for an entry where grace period is 5d etc run the suggest reminder lines, for both reminders and finance charge and you will see the due date entry of yesterday is not shown on the reminders but on the charge note.
You send out a reminder first generally for the grace period, then it is usual to send out finance charge.
Its explained in the finance manual chp 5 recievables management. worked examples and all.
If you want to change the due date drill onto the line doc no and press f2 on the cle due date field
I didn't use the same date settings for finance note.
What i did was make sure the following header fields had the same date
Posting date, order date and due date on posting tab. Then it considered the grace period and the line that appeared before is not shown on either reminder or finance note.
I am testing it out of a 2009 DB uk cronus, there are some bug fixes for 4 and 5 so what version and locality are u using.
Thank you for all your help!