
Navision Financials 2.60F in a Windows 2003 domain

12stephan3412stephan34 Member Posts: 6
edited 2004-10-14 in Navision Financials
Hi there,

I've read a couple of posting but unfortunately was not able to solve the problem...

Is it possible to run a Navision Financials 2.60F server (under Windows NT 4.0 Server) in a Windows 2003 domain along with Windows logons?

Thanks for your help in advance,



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    flymike66flymike66 Member Posts: 3
    Hi 12stephan34,

    we´ve got this Configuration running this week.

    No problems.

    Just get your User-SID´s converted and you even don´t have to apply your Users to Navision for a second time.


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