I've a Native database 5.0.
I've created a function to import data from excel files (through "Excel Buffer" functions).
As soon as I'm working from usual client (windows authentication) , it works fine.
If I try to work from NAS (with the same windows login) , I receive the error:
"The call to member Open failed.....", saying it can't access to the excel file that I correctly open from Client 5.0.
Is NOT supported reading excel files with under NAS?
Thank you in advance
And Excel 2007 installed.
I use a report with the classic
ExcelBuf.OpenBook(FileName,SheetName) and ExcelBuf.ReadSheet
to open and read excel files.
Well , with client 5.0 launching the report --> everything right;
with nas.exe called in a dos session --> everything right;
with NAS I've the error in the event viewer:
"This message is for C/AL programmers:
The call to member Open failed. Microsoft Office Excel returned the following message:
Impossibile accedere al file "\\miocomputer\Input\nomefile.xls". I motivi possibili sono:
• Il nome o il percorso" ,
where the message is truncated, but it says that it cannot access to the file, maybe the name or path is wrong.
Is there anyone reading excel file in NAS ? As I'm supposing excel 2007 not supporting undergroung reads.
if the file is opened, the problem is somewhere else, if not, try to locate your file with the syntax appeared in the error, then digit it as the input file and retry
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As soon as I'm in a interactive environment , I've no problem.
If I'm in the service environment , I've all the problems. ](*,)
Thank you for help.
Yes , I've Read , but I am a step after.
That is , in function OpenBook (Table 370) there is :
And the previous post there was the error Text000.("Excel not found")
On the contrary , my service is stopping in XlApp.Workbooks.Open(FileName).
I've re-installed excel , I've installed the NAS service in a dos session started with "Run as administrator" , but nothing.
Have you found solution for this?
I have the same problem on Windows Server 2008 and NAS running as a service on it.
Thank you.
there are a couple of things you need to make sure off.
1. The NAS cannot handle any form of screen out/input, so make sure that your excel app is running in the background.
2. The user account that runs the NAS must have access to the excel file, excel buffer table.
3. When you load an excel sheet through the excel buffer table, the trigger will pop up a dialog window. You will have to prevent that with the GUIALLOWED statement.
When you have done all this, it will work. We did it like this.
Hope this helps,
The problem started after server upgrade to Windows Server 2008 and exe upgrade from NAV400SP3 to NAV500SP1.
Before upgrade the same process worked fine on NAS.
Has anyone solved this problem?
I have exactly the same problem.
The folder C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop already exists.