Delete multiple spaces in a string?

pettalpettal Member Posts: 20

Been twisting my head tring to delete multiple spaces in a string and can't figuire it out..

DELCHR(String, '=', ' ');

Which I thought would work... tried searching on STRPOS and then getting the multiple spaces out... nah that didn't work as it just finds the first instance.

Any ideas or help appreciated!




  • pettalpettal Member Posts: 20
    That DELCHR has multiple spaces in before I posted so just imagine that it had 10 spaces in! :P
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Yeah, it's a pain to do this one. Maybe there's a better way, but this is how I do it:
    WHILE ( STRPOS(String, 'aa') > 0 ) DO BEGIN
       String := DELSTR(String, STRPOS(String, 'aa'), 1);  

    Pretend the 'aa' is multiple spaces. And I typed that from memory, so it might be a little off. I found that I couldn't do a DELCHR because it would delete all the spaces, and I still wanted to leave one. Searching for two consecutive spaces and using the DELSTR function to delete one of them.
  • pettalpettal Member Posts: 20
    Nice one Mattrax!

    That works a treat! =D>
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