The functionality of Bin's as on Sales, Purchase and Whse/Inventory documents and journals doesn't seem to work very well in Job Journals (NAV2009 SP1).
After adding the field 'Bin Code' to the Job Journal Page/Form all the Bins appear (not only the bins where stock are available to pick from) when you try to select the Bin from which you are taking items for a job.
You can then also post the Job Journal even if the bin doesn't contain any of the item.
Is this a:
1. Bug; or
2. The way the system works; or
3. A user(setup) problem?
Best regards,
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Also why do we have the field 'Bin Code' on Job Journal Line if it does nothing? Or is still a work in progress.
So it appears that the Job functionality is not fully integrated with the rest of the system.
1. If u r using Bins that means u r keeping physical inventory, makes 100% sense.
2. Anything purchased against a job (i.e. in Navision) gets consumed the moment it is received.
U know these
Support for Bin Codes on Job Journal will be provided for 2009 SP1 soon.
Thanks for the reply.
It is always hard to resist the temptation of adding 'background' fields
Do you know when this will be released?
My Blog: http://NAV-Magno.be
My Blog: http://NAV-Magno.be