Expense Reporting

almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
I am trying to get some detail information, by month and dimension, out of NAV 2009 and I am having a problem. By column this is what I'd like to see:

Posting Date Vendor Account Dept (Dimension) Amount

Or something like that. I need the detail to come out.... can anyone help me?



  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Vendor ledger entry table will give you the required information.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    I took a look at this table and it did not give me the expense account and department numbers. Anywhere else?
  • devu_13devu_13 Member Posts: 101
    you can use Vendor Posting Group field in vendor ledger entry table.Because vendors(Expence) comes into a particular account.
    Devendra Kr. Sharma
    IBIZ Consulting Services,India
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Not sure why they ask u to look at VLE table :shock: , GLE is better

    Just Use the GL Ledger Entry table with the following.

    Requirement GL Table Field
    Posting Date Posting Date
    Vendor Source type = filter for VENDOR
    Source No = Vendor Code
    Account GL Account Number
    Dept (Dimension) If DEPT dimension on a global it will be on the line otherwise look at at ledger
    .entry dimension table EG its 3rd dimension used
    Amount amount
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117

    Thanks for the reply. I am new to this sytem and learning as I go.... where would I go to access this?


  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    How can you not know GL entry tables.
    Go to the exspense account in the GL Click Account > entries

    Click control F8 to see all fields in table
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    Okay, well this I did already know.

    I need to be able to ALL of the data for ALL accounts for a specific time period in some sort of report format or data dump, not just one account at a time.

    Any ideas on that?
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Pretty Easy, take the filter off when you are on the GL entry table. Apply some reasonable filters and copy or export to excel if thats what u want
  • almhansenalmhansen Member Posts: 117
    That was a great help, thanks! One more thing kind of related. Now that I've got all the data, I see an issue with detail for the managers. Anything that has gone thru as a posted invoice, has a description of the internal series number, not the vendor number. Is there any way to get this different? Or make it so it posts with the vendor name as the description not the internal series number?
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