Hi all,
I am using a developer licence(003) with insert granule for the object range 9012909 - 9012958 assigned by ROC.
I have created a table "WMNAVTableMapping" having object id - 9012930 with following description:
Field No. Field Name Data Type Length
1 No. Code 20
2 NAVTableName Text 30
3 WMTableName Text 30
I created another table "WMNAVMappingList" having object id - 9012931 with following decription:
Field No. Field Name Data Type Length
1 ID Integer
2 MapID Code 20
3 NAVCode Code 20
4 WMNo. Integer
Here MapID field has a TableRelation property set to "WMNAVTableMapping"."No.".
Now when i run the table "WMNAVMappingList", i can see a lookup button in MapID field but when i click on this button it does NOT lookup to table "WMNAVTableMapping".
I am not sure what is missing.
Secondly, i tried setting TableRelation property of MapID field to "Item"."No." and i found that it looks up to Item table (object id - 27).
Is it that some license permission is restricting me from doing lookup on objects whose id falls in the assigned object range?
Please help resolve.
MCTS (MB7-841 : NAV 2009 C/SIDE Solution Development)
Lookup works with forms.
Thanks for your help.
MCTS (MB7-841 : NAV 2009 C/SIDE Solution Development)