hi all,
I installed NAV 4.0 SP2 on Windows 7. When i try to start nav i get a message: "Microsoft Navision has stopped fonctionning. Windows is looking for a solution" and then nothing happens. I have read recent posts on this issue and i have tried to add build no 23099 for NAV 4.0 SP2 .
Is there any chance for using NAV 4.0 SP2 on Windows 7. if yes please share information.
There are some topics about using older versions of NAV on Windows 7.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I have read older posts which recommend to install newer buids, latest hotfix and i followed the link and download Build no 23099 update 3. when i tired to replace the files in my clent installation folder i get message 'acess denied' for every files. Any idea?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Look at the security tab for you nav folder and change ownership to your ID.
Alternatively when you copy over the objects windows 7 should prompt you for admin access.
There are a few posted about it
Just out of interest you do know you have to do a technical upgrade of the DB first?
The equivilent of Doing your technical upgrade. We have done this for a lot of customers as a recommendaton.
Compile all the objects to check for errors and if there is no issue, yes you should be able to carry on developing with your 4.02 business logic objects.
welcome to be corrected by a developer.
You will have to downgrade the objects when you want to use them in 4.0. There are new properties and other stuff in 5.0 that can give you trouble importing 5.0 opbjects in a 4.0 client.
To do so, import as txt and compile.
If the NDT database is Nav 5.01, then you can open it with NDT 2.0 SP3 (Build 0291).
What version of Nav is your NDT database?
Anybody has other idea of the ndt to use?
https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource ... ndtall.htm
The webpage doesn't say which Nav version each NDT version corresponds to, but:
There are two versions of NDT 2 SP3 - one is build 290, the other is build 291.
Buiild 290 is apparently for Nav 4.03 (it could not open a Nav 5.00 database), while build 291 works with Nav 5.01, so it seems that there is no NDT version for Nav 5.00.
As I suggested in a previous post, just open your Nav 5.00 NDT database with a Nav 5.01 client, and then you'll be able to open it in NDT 2 SP3 build 291.