Hi all,
I have created a Report "Sales Register" using Sales "Invoice Header" and "Sales Invoice Line".
Here "Sales Invoice Line" is indented under "Sales Invoive Header"
Following are the properties of Line Table i have used.
DataItemTable->Sales Invoice Line
DataItemTableView->SORTING(Sell-to Customer No.)
DataItemLinkReference->Sales Invoice Header
DataItemLink->Document No.=FIELD(No.)
TotalFields->Quantity,Unit Price,Amount,Tax Base Amount,Amount To Customer
I am not able to print the total of the following fields:-
Quantity,Unit Price,Amount,Tax Base Amount,Amount To Customer
I had also tried with Integer table and had placed the total fields on Body Section of Integer
still i am not able to solve this issue.
Can anybody help me.
Markandey Pandey
i am printing the totals on footer section of Sales Invoice Line data item, but not getting the total, instead it is giving the same values for each lines.
I have already tried this but its giving the same value (i.e, QTY, RATE, etc) for each line but i want to display the total only at the bottom of the page.
then use it in Sales header footer section.....
because sale line footer is print after each record.....
it is basically depend on where u get the values and where to put the total...........this is only flow problem.....
They can conquer who believe they can.
First read qus. carefully and then reply.
You can have footers, groupfooters, or transfooters. Depending on the property values and the dataitem that they belong to, you will see different behavior. Reports are not very easy but once you figure out how they work it is pretty straightforward to decide where what goes.
Think about the flow of the report, how each dataitem loops, where you want the totals, and then decide where to put what type of total at which point in the report.
If you want help from Mibuso, you need to give us a complete picture. What I would do though is walk to your senior and ask them for help. This is typically something seniors help juniors with, it is something that is easiest to explain while sitting side by side.
Hi thanx for the reply,
I tried this but its giving "0.0" as total value.
hi thanx for the reply,
i am sending the screenshot of the design of the report.
I have used two data items , "Sales Invoice Header" and "Sales Invoice Line"
What i want is, to sumup the numeric fields like Rate, Qty, Amount,etc at the bottom of the
The principle is the following:
If you declare the totals for the sales line table you can use them in the sales line sections.
If you want to move them in the Header sections you will need to use the command
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS on the onpredataitem trigger of the header...
They can conquer who believe they can.
But the header is not having those fields for which i want the sum to be displayed in the bottom
can u explain me what u want t say in the line that i am hilighting
f you declare the totals for the sales line table you can use them in the sales line sections.
Please don't confuse,if you create report for sales invoice then sales header alway's Print one time in report (if sales header Print more than one then report not run for a invoice) . now if want to print total amount field And other field for a invoice you can put these field in GroupTotalFields of sales invoice line table(Data item), And if want to calculate anyother calculation u can use or put on CurrReport.CREATETOTAL("field", "may be any veriable"); OnPreDataItem of sales invoice line (Data item/Table),
Now if you want to show this Total on Bottom of Page(Report) you put this in footer sections
Thank's !!!!
plz help me how to calculate the total as i have explained earlier and have also sent the screenshot of the design of the report
thanx all 4 the support
the problem is resolved