i need to create new sales invoice in Navision ,In the existing software the clint entering the data in single line. In their system eatch item have 4 sizes and the unit cost for eatch size is same
they need to enter the data in single line . if we are using the dafault salse invoice in navision then they need to enter 3 extera entry in every time :roll: . is it possible to create the sale invoice like the exsisting system..? #-o
pls refer the exsisting software screen shot
But if you really need this then you could do it. If by sizes you are referring to Variants then you could create some type of template that contains the default values and write some code to automatically fill in as many lines as you find in the template with default values you get from Item / Variant / Other setup table.
I would try to avoid this though...
If yes, use the option with the variants.
If no, take a look to the "Standard Customer Sales Codes" (table 172).
This is a table where you can define "Sales Lines" for that code. A customer can have N "Sales Codes". Also you can use here the Variants if a Item has x Variants.
On the Sales Invoice or Order u select the Function "Get Std. Cust. Sales Codes".
Maybe is it also an option for u, that u create this functionality in the customer Financials database.
akhileshek. Its alraedy been said, but I will say it again.
Ask your customer why they bough Navision. If they want to do it the old way, then the best solution is to go back to the old system.
new system must be easier or equal to older system otherwise customer will not use new system,Its not the customer's problem
its a natural fact .... ](*,) ](*,)
we need to give a correct solution....
We had a lot of complaints that user were loosing "precious seconds" when inserting data.
After explaining the pros and cons the customer realized that the best (and Only) solution was to train his users correctly.
Imaging if you have to change every functionality in Nav to resemble the old system.
Either accept Nav's way or stick with the old system.
By the way. I don't know what type of user you are (end-user,partnar employee,free lancer).
But would you bare the cost of implementing all these requirements?
And a other question: How do you teach the customer?