Hi Board,
I want to write an ASCII-File with some Parameters, separated by ";".
Is there a way to write this File by the piece and not as one big string?
If I write my Parameters with "file.write", Navision everytime writes an CRLF after it, but I want it as one long text without any Linefeeds
How can I prevent this?
Thank you
Rainy greetings from South-Germany!
I haven't really tested this. But there are a few ways to do it I should think. If you set textmode to false you will not get the CRLF appended. Another way would be to seek - -2 on the file everytime you have made a file.write.
But if Textmode is false, Navision writes an binary file, not an ASCII I thought.
Can you explain how to? :oops:
The above should create a file with 2 lines in it.. where there is no CRLF between the lines.
There is however a CRLF at the very end... I tried getting rid of it by writing
before TestFile.Close. But though it should work. It apparently doesn't. Maybe you will have better luck!
(CrLf is defined as Text with a length of 2...)