I know the zup file stores user preferences, like column settings, filters, etc. But I'm wondering what else is in there. This was the scenario:
On any sales order the user could not delete lines from Item Tracking. Restarting Navision didn't help, restarting the computer didn't help. Other users could delete item tracking on orders, even the same orders the user was having trouble with, just fine.
The error the user would receive was from some custom code long ago that nobody every tested correctly. IF xrec."Serial No." <> rec."Serial No." THEN MODIFY. Only problem was it was in a trigger where modify was not allowed.
I'm wondering what is stored in the zup file that would cause that conditional to start evaluating to true, even though the serial had not been changed (assuming that it was not deleted and equal to blank when the conditional evaluated as other users could delete with no issue)?
[Edit] T336 - Tracking Specification - Serial No. - OnValidate (I know MODIFY is allowed here, I was just getting an error that it wasn't).