Deleting Production Orders

ouredpouredp Member Posts: 56

This is just another post about Database compression.

As I read on other posts "Date compression on Item Ledger" seems to be a dangerous report, suppressed in 5.0 !
So let´s live with that, but... this has an influence in "deleting finished production orders".
Navision checks the existence of Item Ledger Entries on the delete trigger.
IF Status IN [Status::Released,Status::Finished] THEN BEGIN
  ItemLedgEntry.SETCURRENTKEY("Prod. Order No.");
  ItemLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Prod. Order No.","No.");
  IF ItemLedgEntry.FIND('-') THEN

So our old prod.order stay in the DB as well !

Does anybody know waht is this check for ? Could it be removed ? With what kind of consequences ?
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