Report Footer

yukonyukon Member Posts: 361
Hi Expert,

Now, I append report footer at R208.
I've 2 report format. One this is normal format and another is pre-printed format. Normal format footer show Sign/Date but pre-printed format does not need. Sign/Date need to show end of report page.

So I created 2 footer for each format(PageLoop Section) and then

Normal Footer Property

PrintOnEveryPage = No
PlaceInBottom = Yes
KeepWithNext = Yes

Pre-printed Footer Property

PrintOnEveryPage = Yes
PlaceInBottom = Yes
KeepWithNext = Yes

Then i declare bln_preprinted. Code is Showoutput(bln_preprinted).

When i view normal page format Everypage show Sign/Date. Normal page can show 30 lines then over lines move to next page. But it is not work. When i remove next footer(pre-printed footer), it is correct. ](*,)
May i know which portion is wrong, please let me know. Do i need to change any setting?

Best Regard,
Make Simple & Easy


  • Boom-BoxBoom-Box Member Posts: 27
    Have you tried
    KeepWithNext = No
    in your footer?

    or making it a footer for section
    Sales Shipment Line instead of PageLoop?

    Good Luck

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