Hi All,
I have restore a backup of our client database(NAV IN 4.0 SP3), but when I am going to run the Item Card I am getting an error like “ Value entry table does not have an active key that starts with the following fields Document No. , Posting Date”
On checking the database I found that lots of table does not have the keys with active status.
Though in the original database there are active keys in the tables. I can’t understand why this thing happens? Is there any mistake in taking backup or something else? :-k :-k :-k
Pls reply.............
there can be some SETCURRENTKEYs somewhere you don't expect...but it all depends from what are the customization/localization...
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
There's really no good way to get to all of these, but when you get an error like that, it's a flowfield definition that uses a key that is not enabled. What you need to do for those keys is re-enable them, and the problem should go away. You could scan the tables and see if you can spot the disabled keys (the Key virtual table can also be used for this). The tricky part is though that you don't want to just enable all keys in the database, you're going to have performance problems too.
If you can't solve it yourself, then get someone in there that knows what they are doing. This is too important to try and figure out with forum posts.
You can try to complete the backup (just go to File Backup restore and see if you get a message askign to complete the restore) if not then export all tables form the original database and reimport them (Replace All) into the restored database, this will reactivate all the keys.
Here David is right just take full backup and restore properly.
IBIZ Consulting Services,India
Thank u David Singleton , my probem now solved according ur suggestion. =D>
Thank u all for ur reply.
You are welcome. :thumbsup: