Hello pros,
I have a question about license thing, which I never tried before.
It may sound weird, but I need to know.
One of the customers of mine had hired our previous developer and developing objects with our license.
So, the question is how can I restrict the license use.
What I want to do is if they are using other than their license the navision doesn't let them open, print any reports and don't let them to access to object designer.
And the thing is they have designer's license, version is nav 5.0.
Any help appreciated,
Better is to use permissions to allow license change only to trusted users...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
See who has this permission first then remove it. Of course it is the customers db and i suspect anyone who can use the developers license will know how to remove this anyway
And by technically you mean not legal at all.
If the developer is an actual employee, full-time, benefits, the whole deal...then the fault lies on the end user in my opinion.
If he is just a freelancer that took the partner's license and is using it to do work, then the fault is on him (with maybe a little bit on the end-user).
But it works like this:
1. I cannot open license information form. -> which I cannot change the license nor see the license info
2. I can open license information form. -> even I set the permissions to "" or "indirect" except read I can have a full access to the license information options. which means I can change my license.
Isn't there anyway to make like this:
3. I can see my license information but I cannot do things further. which means I cannot change, export, upload, import the license. :?: :!:
Please read the suggestions earlier. You can't resolve it this way. They can in any case just open a cronus database as SUPER, to change the license, so how would that help or even make sense.
Of course the problem will eventually fix itself as the partner license is only good for three years and does expire. That doesn't help you with the lost revenue in the meantime, though.
So, from here I got idea about that I cannot restrict their license changing/using in navision.
But we should deal with them about this.
Thank for you help,