Well you cannot add Item No. in Sales list / Purchase List as it is of Sales Header / Purchase Header table. but you can add a Subform in this form which would be of Sales Line / Purchase Line table and give a link of Document Type and Document No. I think it'd suffice your need.
Well you cannot add Item No. in Sales list / Purchase List as it is of Sales Header / Purchase Header table. but you can add a Subform in this form which would be of Sales Line / Purchase Line table and give a link of Document Type and Document No. I think it'd suffice your need.
can u please guide me how to add a subform to a form.
Look how the sales order subform is setup in form 42 Sales Order and do the same.
You could also create a new form based on sales line table and not the sales header in order to see a list of all lines per order. How do you prefer to visualize this?
can u please guide me how to add a subform to a form.
Are you going to ask the forum how to do all general tasks? You should have a senior assigned to you that guides you through day to day tasks, and you should be going to the development training (forget about the certs, it's training that you need).
Well you cannot add Item No. in Sales list / Purchase List as it is of Sales Header / Purchase Header table. but you can add a Subform in this form which would be of Sales Line / Purchase Line table and give a link of Document Type and Document No. I think it'd suffice your need.
Technically you can add a flowfield to the sales header that shows an item # since both tables contain doc type & doc # and you can force line# to = 10000 but the question remans why would you need that. and Today you might say orders can only contain 1 line but tomorrow what if that's not the case and now you have to redesign your whole process again.
Add a field to the sales Header called "Item No." #50055 Type Code Size 20
FieldClass - Flowfield
CalcFormula: Lookup("Sales Line".No. WHERE (Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),Document No.=FIELD(No.),Line No.=CONST(10000)))
Note line # must be 10000.
I don't suggest using this and I'll probbably get yelled at for showing you this. But perhaps you can use this to understand a bit more about how the system works. Also flowfield are calculated fields that will slow the system (LIST) down if you're talking about hundreds of lines
PS in regards to how to add a subform to a form, time to mention the Application Designers guide again
and since that is unknown to you - i think whatever this problem you have is might not be thought thru thoughly and perhaps there's another way to solve it. for example, you may only have a few items perhaps a dimension, diff number series, or some other field can be used for identification.
The sales list form shows information from the Sales Header. What will you do when you have many lines?
suppose there is a single line then how to do this, as in our case it cannot have more than one line.
If sales line contains more than one line then what to do, is it possible?
can u please guide me how to add a subform to a form.
You could also create a new form based on sales line table and not the sales header in order to see a list of all lines per order. How do you prefer to visualize this?
Technically you can add a flowfield to the sales header that shows an item # since both tables contain doc type & doc # and you can force line# to = 10000 but the question remans why would you need that. and Today you might say orders can only contain 1 line but tomorrow what if that's not the case and now you have to redesign your whole process again.
Add a field to the sales Header called "Item No." #50055 Type Code Size 20
FieldClass - Flowfield
CalcFormula: Lookup("Sales Line".No. WHERE (Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),Document No.=FIELD(No.),Line No.=CONST(10000)))
Note line # must be 10000.
I don't suggest using this and I'll probbably get yelled at for showing you this. But perhaps you can use this to understand a bit more about how the system works. Also flowfield are calculated fields that will slow the system (LIST) down if you're talking about hundreds of lines
PS in regards to how to add a subform to a form, time to mention the Application Designers guide again
and since that is unknown to you - i think whatever this problem you have is might not be thought thru thoughly and perhaps there's another way to solve it. for example, you may only have a few items perhaps a dimension, diff number series, or some other field can be used for identification.
that is what i was looking for but i am not able to find how a form is linked to a subform
can u plz guide me. Actually i saw this inside the menu designer but how Lookup Table is working
Visible Caption ShortCutKey Action RunObject
Yes List F5 LookupTable
can u plz guide me
That is ok, but if i am linking this form to Sales Header Table its giving an error.
Can we create a list form from two tables???????????/