I am trying to understand the logic behind assigning item charge assignments to sales shipment lines.
I am able to post the invoice but it then doesn't post to COGS, so my COGS is not updated.
However, if I do it the old fashioned way and assign item charges to receipt lines it updates the COGS when I run post cost to GL.
Is there something wrong that I am doing?
HOw are you recording your extra costs now ?
Step 1: I create a purchase order with a cost, receive and invoice it.
Step 2: I create a sales order with the same price; since I am buying and sellng at cost, ship, invoice
Step 3: I get a freight invoice from a vendor
Step 4: I assign the freight cost to the purchase receipt lines and it updates my COGS.
I want to update the revenue account as well by charging that freight cost to the customer:
Question 1: Is there an automated way to do that?
Question 2: If I have to manually create the sales invoice; what is the concept behind the navision built in logic to assign the freight sales price to the shipment lines; does it update the sales price; what is the logic behind assigning item charges to shipment lines?
https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource ... =inventory costing white paper
Buy the looks of it below, You should do the following
Step 1: I create a purchase order with a cost, receive and invoice it. YES
Step 2: I get a freight invoice from a vendor
Step 3: I assign the freight cost to the purchase receipt lines and it updates my COGS.
Step 4: Update costs
Step 5: I create a sales order with the same price; since I am buying and sellng at cost, ship, invoice
If your costs are updated first and the sales order line has the correct unit cost the issue is a lot simplier.
If you don't always recieve the invoice for shipping from the vendor until after you have posted the Order and shipped then..
You make the invoice and add an item charge line for the shippment or created an another invoice if you post ship & invoice already with just the item charge applied. Post then run adjust costs and post to GL
Test this in your system to seem how the results are posted
* welcome to be corrected on this since*
https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource ... =inventory costing white paper
http://dynamicsuser.net/media/p/8363.aspx to download