Hello my friends;
I have a problem, I want to catch events from keyboard. It means, I have a form with a textbox and a subform, when the user type a word in this textbox I want to apply a filter to the subform. My problem is that the validate trigger of the textbox is only executed when I press Intro, and I want to filter every time the user introduce a char in the textbox.
Can anybody help me?
Thank you. ](*,) ](*,)
Thank you.
Can someone help? It is very important
You can look there perhaps for examples, though it might only be RTC relevant
2) Question is - what you want to solve by this? Is data entering too slow for customer? Is it just wrong training?
There is no standard way for this in NAV. And there is a reason for that. Even the "find as you type" could kill your server... why to add another way how to kill the performance?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
If your user enters a 10-char text then you will apply a filter 10 times, after each keystroke?
This could cause problems with your system performance.
But if you really need this you van do the following as a start.
Create a Text variable for your filter.
Create a second Text variable of length 1.
Assign the second text variable to a text box and set the Auto enter property to true. In that text box, every time you press a character the onafterinput trigger will be executed. Then play around with the available properties and code in order to add the entered value to your normal text variable.
This could be a start point to get you where you want...
Please help me
I will not sleep until I get it and when this moment becomes you will remember me.
New suggestions please
You're wrong by the way, there's plenty of things that are not possible in NAV.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I think the "OnInputChange() trigger" solution works but you need to use CurrForm.SAVERECORD in first to get value of your Textbox.
Edit : just tried, works but with 1 problem : you need to catch and works on the value in textbox because with Saverecord, each time use type on keeboard the previous carracter is replaced by the new one :P
But seems easy to manage that.
Edit 2 : In fact, not easy at all to manage... dont waste your time with my solution, it doesnt work
may you can try this.
(...inspired by the tool "pocket calculator")
The "#"-key will clear the filter.
best regards
btw, does anybody here maybe know what the keys "left", "right" and "middle" are for? (mouse?)
Thank you,
I hope it helps. It solved my problem. I had the problem that code had to executed when the Left- or Right-arrow key were pressed.
Thank you,
I am also Trying to this but at last no fillter works as on RTC client.I think for this functionality our classic client should be support by .Net plateform then we go further on it. If I worng please tell me and welcome your suggestion regarding this issue.
IBIZ Consulting Services,India