Item Ledger Entry - Positive Field

IdlenessIdleness Member Posts: 46

If possible, can someone please tell me exactly what this flag is used for and when it gets updated. I think I can use it as a shorcut in a report but I'd like to be certain.



  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Whenever there is positive quantity (>0) the boolean field is marked true.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • IdlenessIdleness Member Posts: 46
    Thanks, this being on a lot by lot basis and updated regularly based on consumption or sale or is it static to that entry?
  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    Just adding on Sandeep's explaination

    I. Anything going out i.e. Sale, Purchase Return, Trnsfr shipment, Consumption will have -ve and

    II. anything coming in i.e. Purchase Receipt, Sale Return, Trnsfr Receipt, Output will have + sign.

    So if it falls in II will have positive as true and anything falling in I. will have positive false. It is maintained per Item Ledger line i.e. for a particular entry.
    Kapil Khanna
  • IdlenessIdleness Member Posts: 46
    Thank you, that's a help.

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