I'm running the NAV database server from a command prompt and logging in and out of my db no problem.
I'm trying to start NAS via the command prompt by entering...
nas appservername=nas1, database="c:\program files\microsoft dynamics NAV\database server\db.fdb, company="Template Company",
startupparameter=JOBQUEUE, nettype = tcp
And I get the following error ](*,)
You do not have permission to read the Object table. Contact your system manager if you need to have your permissions changed. The Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV nsa1 could not initialize properly.
I thought it was a license problem but there isn't a "license=" type parameter for nas so other than copying a dev license into the Application Server folder (which I have done) I'm not sure what else I can do...
From your NAS,connect to the DB using the DBname (specified as parameter in the server.exe command to start your DB-service) and NOT the filename.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
The question is, have you created the service corectly?
The following is a sample of creating and starting a Nas service at once. You might want to change it for Native client thought. Keep in mind that from cmd you have to be in the directory where nas.exe is stored.
nassql.exe installasservice, appservername=SDALIETOS-SQL, NETTYPE=DEFAULT, servername=SDALIETOS, database=DBONE, company="DBCOMP", startupparameter="BATCHPOST", objectcache=8000
Hint: Have an Event Viewer always in front of you, so you can monitor each step.
Ls Retail - Microsoft Dynamics Nav
Please write down the command you have used exactly in cmd to create and start the nas service. Check also in services (Administrative Tools) that the nas service you are trying to create is not yet created.
Ls Retail - Microsoft Dynamics Nav
Did you try to run it as administrator?
How to do it : Create a batch in which you put the commands, then from the explorer, right-click the batch file and select Run-as-administrator.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!