I try to open a Navision instance using a link like this:
[url=navision://client/run?servername=]navision://client/run?servername=127.0. ... eport50000[/url]
I use VB6 with the API-call ShellExecute
It works fine, but if I start the function again I allways get a new instance of navison. Using the same link as a Desktopshortcut the link allways uses the first created instance of navison.
I would like to use only the first instance of navision in my vb6 application as well. It is not nessesary to use ShellExecute, if there is another possible way.
Any ideas?
Customizing + Training + Workshops + Development
Navision / Jet Reports / dkImport / dkSchema / COM /.NET
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Navision / Jet Reports / dkImport / dkSchema / COM /.NET