I m using NAV 4.0 SP3, Whenever I m putting filter on Date filter field by opening Chart of accounts then press Shift+F5 (i.e., Flow Filter) and putting date in right format, then it is showing me following error:
The filter '(01/04/09..30/09/09)&(01/04/09..30/09/09)' on the Date Filter field in the G/L Account table should specify an interval. There are two permitted formats for filters that specify an interval: * A
This filter selects values equal to A. * A..Z This filter selects values between A and Z (inclusive).
For information about entering filters, see the online Help.
Is there a other Filter on the flowfield DateFilter and / or what is your regional setting for the date format.
U enter the Date in DD/MM/YY. Is you local setting maybe MM/DD/JJ ?
There are plenty of issue on knowledge base about filtering, which local version of nav are you using, i had no issues with 2009 or 5.0 though each had the lastest build on.
You can try using the same filter over a list form and see if u get the same issue. Otherwise you may have to look for the latest build no or a specific hotfix.
Or just use the left hand date criteria
WHat makes you think you are putting the date filter in the right format?
Why do you use the same date range on the left and right ? (01/04/09..30/09/09)&(01/04/09..30/09/09)
I always put filte(i.e., 010409..300909) and it is showing me above error,I dont y m stucking?
Best regards
If you have the fields they mentioned shown in the GL form you will get the error you mentioned using the filter you mention.
If you still believe its another error can you take a screen shot of the fields shown when you enter filter as well as the filter itself.
That should help resolve any confusion, as the only way i could replicate it was as gsiracusa suggested
Because the flowfield uses the only Max property on the filter.
I m filtering like:
010409..300909, but it shows me following error:
Can you say which Version of NAV 4,5,2009 etc you are using and which locality IE switzerland etc you are using.
I can only replicate the same error when entering the two string format, it is possible you have another filter that is combing with the flow filter to give you this error.
Question: do you only get this error when "balance at date" field is visible ?
Below is an example of the fields seen in GL.
Try hiding the fields "balance at date" or "Add.-Currency Balance at Date" and see if you still get the problems
No. Name Income/Balance Account Type Totaling Gen. Posting Type Gen. Bus. Posting Group Gen. Prod. Posting Group Net Change Balance at Date Balance Add.-Currency Balance at Date SRU-code
1115 Ökningar under året Balance Sheet Posting Purchase NATIONELL DIV 1 492,74 1 492,74 1 492,74 237
Please try answering the other questions as they are quite relevent, Or you using SQL or native ?
Try Google translate if there is a problem with english ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
I am assuming its the "NAV 4.0SP3 SQL DB" you are talking about.
Its unlikely this just started happening? is this a new database or one that has been in use for a while.
You had some posts about changing anslysis i am wondering if you have changed some keys somewhere so that it now reads the date filter twice to acheive the same effect as indicated in the error message?
You could try using this filter instead ">=01-04-08&<=09-11-04" and see if you get the same message
Also whats witht he parenthesis ( ) . you can not ever enter these in date filters. Try without them i.e. enter 02.02.09..05.05.09 not (
It is essentially the same thing you are trying to do now, you can even add balance at date field to as well if you want
MVP - Dynamics NAV