I have been going through the NAV 2009 SP1 three computer setup for web services in a test environment, and I am running into some issues (as I think everyone does). I am making headway, but I wanted to clear up one question that I am confused on:
Do I need to set *any* SPNs on the actual SQL server itself, or is all the SPN and delegation just set up on the NAV server? I believe that it is the latter, but I want to check.
If you are using the same domain user account for SQL as NAV application server then you would need to add to that account NAV SPN's too.
Also be careful as it will not allow the same SPN's on more than one account I found.
Here was my saga but it ended up successful.
In the walkthroughs/pointers, it was said to do something like this:
setspn -A DynamicsNAV/NAVServer:7046 DomainName/AccountName
setspn -A DynamicsNAV/NAVServer.domain.com:7046 DomainName/AccountName
and the same for MSSQLSvc using the SQLServer in lieu of NAVServer. However, it never worked for me.
What did work was removing the first line so that I only have the fully qualified domain name specified as the SPN and set in the server settings config file. Voila, it worked!
step by step but not creating a dedicate domain account to run NAV Server and SQL Server.
I arrive to this part
setspn -A DynamicsNAV/NAVSERV.yourDomain.yourCompany.com:7046 yourDomain\yourUser
for me it is not clear what yourCompany is . Is the name of the in NAV or is it needless? Is the domain enough?
And yourUser?
Thank you.