Navision Conflicting With Outook COM Add-in

oleschjoetholeschjoeth Member Posts: 74

I wonder if any of you have a solution to the very annoying message "A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have store in Outlook. Do you want to allow this?" The promblem and number of messages seems to increase with the amount of tasks and opportunities entered in the system.

Does anyone know if Microsoft or Navision Software has a solution for this bug?

Thanks in advance,


  • oleschjoetholeschjoeth Member Posts: 74
    Thanks for the link. I already knew about the "click-yes" option. However, it is a bit worrying with a piece of software that will just accept any access to the Outlook address book. I was more hoping for a work-around with a direct interaction between Outlook and Navision.

    Best regards,
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    The sad part is that this message is a result of direct integration with Outlook, the message is just part of it. I'm sure you could search and find lots of info here and on mbsonline, but here's the short version. Ask google about the why MS did what they did with Outlook automation.

    Basically, you will NOT be able to program around the message without installing or creating an external component that uses the extended MAPI. One of these components is called redemption, and you can find it here.
    Another way to go would be to use direct SMTP, for which you also need to either buy an external component (take a look here) or write your own.

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