NAV 2009 SP1 Web Service Security

MattKeyesMattKeyes Member Posts: 41
edited 2014-09-08 in NAV Three Tier

I am doing some work on an application to access NAV through published web services. I have installed the server tier and the demo database I am using on my laptop (Windows XP) and published a codeunit webservice. I can see the WSDL and all the normal stuff by using the /DynamicsNAV/WS/Services, etc.

I am using soapUI to do some response testing, and, if I use my normal login (the login I used to install the server tier, etc.), I can access the web services accordingly and everything works well. To do some further testing, I created a new windows login, gave it SUPER permissions in the NAV demo database, synchronized, etc., and try to use it to log on the web service (using NTLM security). However, I always get a HTTP 401 Unauthorized response from any SOAP requests (even though this login can see the definitions through a browser).

Does anyone have any advice on this or am I missing something obvious?



  • MattKeyesMattKeyes Member Posts: 41
    I figured this one out... evidentially it has something to do with the way soapUI handles NTLM authentication. It works fine from my client application, but only one user I have can log in via soapUI.
  • tularamtularam Member Posts: 97
    It seems old post, but I got the same error "SOAP message is invalid" while testing with SOAPUI application.

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Length: 394
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
    Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:48:44 GMT

    <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""&gt;
    <faultcode xmlns:a="urn:microsoft-dynamics-schemas/error">a:System.Net.WebException</faultcode>
    <faultstring xml:lang="fr-FR">Soap message is invalid!</faultstring>
    <string xmlns="">Soap message is invalid!</string>
  • aniishaniish Member Posts: 27
    Can you please share soap massage, which you are sending to server???
    May be there is some issue in soap massage.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,146
    MattKeyes wrote:
    I always get a HTTP 401 Unauthorized response from any SOAP requests
    tularam wrote:
    I got the same error "SOAP message is invalid"
    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    So, tularam, you must have a strange notion of "same".

    You issue is not related to security at all. NAV does not understand your request document.

    Please make sure you are using a valid soap envelope and the Body contents adhere to the request document specification as given by the WSDL document returned by the web service. Generating the request with a tool such as SoapUI, Visial Studio or Web Service Studio and looking at that might be easier, though, than analyzing the WSDL.
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