ECommerce Tax

b2amolb2amol Member Posts: 64

I have an E-Commerce site from which i get sales orders into NAV. This site has its own zip-code based tax calculation table and gives me base amount and taxed amount for each sale. When i get all of them into NAV Sales Order and post, the tax part gets deleted & only the base amount gets posted.

I really want to avoid replicating the zip-code - tax table into NAV & subsequent re-calculation. Looks like i need to use the External Tax Calculation feature. Can someone explain about this please? Online help has following description; and the training docs do not seem to have it.

"Use this field only if you have purchased an external, third party sales tax engine, which calculates the sales tax rather than using the standard sales tax engine included in the product. Place a check mark in this field if this tax area code will indicate to the product that this external sales tax engine is to be used when this tax area code is used. Clear any check mark in this field to indicate that the standard, internal sales tax engine is to be used when this tax area code is used.

Do not place a check mark if this box unless you have purchased an external, third party sales tax engine and it has been implemented within your database."

Thank you for your help,

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