
How to Select a date (convert date to format mmmm yy)

sahibeksahibek Member Posts: 13
edited 2004-09-29 in Navision Financials
I have a small problem. I can't find out the syntax how to convert a date to a specific format.

I would like to make some grafs on Excell, but I don't want to select all record with different date.

Access SQL provides the next function

Select A.AccountNumber, format$(A.date, 'mmmm yy')
from ledgerTrans A

It doesn't works on Excell or MS Query.
What is the corect syntax for C/ODBC ??

Thanks a lot


  • Options
    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I think, that there is no function for that. C/ODBC have only basic functionality.

    What about to prepare the table itself for this? Add new column and fill it with needed data?
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