Stocktaking in Nav

paullynchpaullynch Member Posts: 27
For our annual stock count we're using a combination of wedge scanners to scan bardoes on products into what is essentially an excel spreadsheet. The results of the various count sheet are then consolidated before being entered into NAV.

My question is whether it is possible/recommended to dataport the results into a physical inventory journal to save a mammoth keying in job.

Thanks in advance for your help




  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    It's certainly not difficult to do. A conservative estimate for building a dataport is 4 hours, so if keying will take longer than that then by all means build a dataport. If you can do it yourself, even better. If your partner has to do it, weight the cost of building the dataport vs. the cost of the people entering the data.
  • paullynchpaullynch Member Posts: 27
    As well as the cost and time of keying in it is also the accuracy of the input which is an issue.

    I'm struggling to get the right elements in the design of my dataport so that it imports the "Qty. Phys Inventory field" to an already existing line and updates the record with the associated validation (i.e. changing the quantity and amount fields etc.)

    Currently my Dataport is set as follows :

    DataItem Name :Item Journal Line
    Properties : Autosave=Yes, AutoUpdate=Yes, AutoReplace=No

    Dataport Fields :

    "Journal Template Name"
    "Journal Batch Name"
    "Line No."
    "Phys. Inventory"
    stockcount (Cal Global (Integer))

    CAL Code :

    Item Journal Line - OnAfterImportRecord()
    "Item Journal Line".VALIDATE("Qty. (Phys. Inventory)",stockcount);
    "Item Journal Line".MODIFY;

    When I run the import it just wipes out all the values other fields on the Item Journal Line (my understanding is that with AutoUpdate set to "Yes" this shouldn't happen) - I've tried various iterations of this with no luck.

    Help Please.


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