Item Tracking - LOT Number blocking

alien251alien251 Member Posts: 80
I need to be able to block items in inventory that are deemed unsable. For example I get a shipment of boxes, the manuafacturer has changed the quality of the box without my knowing. I ship product using this box and the box fails and renders a whole shipment of product unusable.

I want to be able to go to the box item card and block the affected LOT numbers so they cannot be consumed in a production order.

I know I need to block the lot, how to do this?




  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Block the lot.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • SumitSumit Member Posts: 58
    And the steps are:
    alien251 wrote:
    I know I need to block the lot, how to do this?
    Item Card >Entries>Item Tracking Entries
    Select the Lot No. (to be blocked)
    Item Tracking Entries > Lot No. Information Card>
    Blocked Field
    "Selecting this field means that a document or journal line that carries the lot number in question cannot be posted."
    My friend is "Search the Forum"
  • alien251alien251 Member Posts: 80
    Perfect! Thank you!
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