I have this strange problem.
If i try to "Run" the table Item(27) the error: "Don´t have permission to read the identifier table ITEM".
My user is SUPER.
If i try with another license with works.It seems to me that it´s very strange. The Item table it´s one of the most importants.
How can i certified that it´s a licence problem? There is another description on the NAv Licence that tell me that the permissions to this table are not associated?
Thanks for your answers.
Best Regards,
Your Item Table have some customization with a flowfield on a table called "identifier table item" or something like this.
This table isn't on your license but contain some records.
Solution is: delete all record on this table.
The error happens with a sa and user that is SUPER.
Founded the "identifier table item" table (ora similar name/meaning), you can delete the content using the same license used for filling that table (partner license?)
directly on sql table if your navision is 5SP1 or newer or if your table don't have SIFT.
After that it complains about another one.
How this happens with the standard database from Navision?
The client gets the same error accessing the Item card, Item table, and of course the Item Identifier table. If I use their license, I can get to the Item Card without NAV throwing an error, but not the Item/Identifier table.
Our logins are both set up with Super role. How can this be?