Lot Size

ameenameen Member Posts: 217
Hi all,

Can i know exactly what is the use of the field Lot Size in Item card ?

Does plannning engine ( Requisition work /planning worksheet ) has any relation with this field ?

It could be better if you explain with good example.


  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    From F1 Help

    This field contains the quantity of the item that is usually produced in one production lot.

    If the item routing includes fixed costs such as setup time, the program uses the contents of this field when it calculates standard cost price and distributes the fixed costs of manufacturing the item.

    In addition, if you want to use the Dampener field to limit action message proposals involving insignificant quantities, you set up the field as a percentage of the lot size.

    Now on which line u got stuck :?:
    Kapil Khanna
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