Common Dlg Control do not return multiple selected fileNames

hxrhxr Member Posts: 20

I use Microsoft Common Dialog Control, version 6.0 ocx and trying to select many files:
MSComDlg.Flags := 512+524288; //512 - force to select many files, 524288 - use explorer type open window
MSComDlg.Filter := 'All files (*.*)|*.*';
MESSAGE('%1' ,MSComDlg.FileName);

It's ok if I select ony one file, MSComDlg.FileName return -> "C:\aaaa.txt"
PROBLEM if i select many files "aaaa.txt" and "bbbb.csv" MSComDlg.FileName returns only drive letter "C:\"
MSComDlg.FileTitle - do not return anything at all.
On Microsoft web page i have found explanation: If multiple selection dialog is used, then MSComDlg.FileName return {Path}<NULL>{File1.EXT}<NULL>{File2.EXT}<NULL>...{FileN.EXT}

SO, Navision is not able to manage nulls in a string?

If i use MSComDlg.Flags := 512, (without forcing explorer type window) i get "old fashioned" control window which returns selected files as {Path}<Space>{File1.EXT}<SPACE>{File2.EXT}<SPACE>...{FileN.EXT} and i can see all selected files.

Is any workaround or automation dlls to select multiple files in explorer type open window?

Thank you,
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