Question: Does anybody know a way to bulk save/print documents from Navision and using the Documentnumber as input for the filename?
We are working with Navision 3.6 since 2003. Some of our companies print their company information via Navision (no preprinted address on company paper). It now appears that for some countries it might be problem that we never made copies of invoices that we send out because printing an old invoice shows the new company address if the office moved since then.
Therefore we consider as from now either:
1. having Navisioin automatically save an html image of the Sales invoice on the network;
2. store company information and other relevent information in the Sales Invoice Header table;
3. store an image (html, pdf, jpeg, tiff) of the Sales Invoice as BLOB (binaray Large Object) in the Sales Invoice Header table;
4. Have Navision print all invoices since 2003 as pdf's on the netwerk with automatic naming of the file by using the document number.
Comments ... ts-to-pdf/
Independent Consultant/Developer